Let me count the haters: Coulter; Limbaugh; O'Reilly...and our own wolf-in-sheep's-clothing, Jonathan Gurwitz of the San Antonio Express-News.
There's more but I don't listen to talk radio or watch TV because of their rhetoric.
What Imus said isn't free speech, it's hate speech. He said it because he's gotten away with it but there are others who've said much worse. Imus is a symbol of Big Media that places profit over protest. The airwaves belong to all of us, not just to white men like Imus. We need real debate in this country. Diverse, informed, contextual, impassioned, but not racist, sexist... And we deserve to hear other voices besides the haters.
Register your protest to the FCC. See the link below.
artistic credits: http: www.uweb.ucsb.edu/~cperaza320/555%20copy.htm