I can't believe the media hasn't even tried to tell the truth about the Duke University stripper so I will. I'm a writer, who's also worked as a social worker. Contrary to popular myth, las strippers don't w ant sex. They become strippers or prostitutes because they've been raped, sometimes by all the men in their family, and they have been socialized to believe this is what a woman does. They want to please men, and yet they hate them.
Many times the stripper/prostitute will take drugs to escape the pain. Or she becomes an addict because that's how Daddy wanted it.
I believe the stripper in the Duke University case was raped. Horribly. Likely with a broom. But she was too drugged-up and too unstable to tell her story.
The rich white guys have so much power, and who's going to listen to this poor black stripped-down woman? Some of these guys will be judges someday....
I have seen prostitutes, strippers, abused women. It's all the same story.
Many times the stripper/prostitute will take drugs to escape the pain. Or she becomes an addict because that's how Daddy wanted it.
I believe the stripper in the Duke University case was raped. Horribly. Likely with a broom. But she was too drugged-up and too unstable to tell her story.
The rich white guys have so much power, and who's going to listen to this poor black stripped-down woman? Some of these guys will be judges someday....
I have seen prostitutes, strippers, abused women. It's all the same story.