Ok, so we in San Antonio know about the time in 2004 when Gina filed charges against another boyfriend, the former SWAT cop, who was a councilman at-the-time, Ron Segovia .
There were allegations of an apple being thrown at her nalgas, which humiliated her, and that he also pointed a gun at her. It was not the first time, she told me.
Tough-guy Segovia got off - I think he had three attorneys representing him if I remember correctly, and in this city, like too many, the cops are in bed with the grand jury - they need and depend on each other, and this grand jury decided there "wasn't enough evidence to pursue a criminal case against him."
Segovia wasn't a nice guy. My very good sources have told me about his violent past with women - and when I interviewed Gina on the issue of absolute police power over women in this city- she appeared to be a textbook case for a battered woman. She loved them. He hated them. She was loyal. She cried.
I was reminded of this impression when I watched her question then-Deputy Police Chief Jerry Pittman in 2006, who was also exonerated by a grand jury - for raping his step-niece - another man who women have warned me not to confront. Gina, the police reporter, didn't interview Pittman that day - she simpered, cooed and genuflected at his expensively-packaged speech. Pittman just glared at me . See: Thursday, August 24, 2006 Jerry Pittman: The Worst Cop, but there's more in San Antonio
So much for tough police reporting in this city. There are other stories out there about Gina, about her passion for the men in blue. Quien sabe. If she was abused as a child as too many of us are, then it would make sense for her to believe that men are the ones who are always right, and that she isn't worthy unless she has one besides her.
I would like to believe that this time she stood up and let him have it.
And then she got fired.
I saw her and her husband Ron at a clinic, FOX News was on the TV in the lobby, Ron ask the receptionist if she can change the channel cause FOX News is bad to his heath and the receptionist change the channel.
Them two are another two snowflake Democrat Liberal’s always bashing the President of the United States on Facebook.